5.1 Vlasov equation

Consider the electrostatic case. The Vlasov equation (??) for electrons is written

∂f-+ v ⋅∇f + e-∇ϕ ⋅∇vf = 0,
∂t           m

where ϕ is the electric potential. Consider the one-dimensional case where f and ϕ are independent of y and z coordinates. In this case, the above equation is written

∂f-    ∂f-  e-dϕ-∂f
∂t +vx ∂x + m dx∂vx = 0

Integrating both sides of the above equation over vy and vz, we obtain

∂F-    ∂F-   e-dϕ-∂F
∂t + vx∂x  + m dx∂vx = 0,

where F(x,vx,t) = −∞ −∞fdvydvz is the reduced distribution function. Define characteristic lines by the following ordinary differential equations:

dx-= v,
dt   x


dvx = -e-dϕ-.
 dt   me dx

Then along a characteristic line, we obtain

dF-= 0,

which indicates that the distribution function F remain unchanged along a characteristic line.