According to Refs. [8, 20], Miller’s formula for a series of shaped flux surfaces is given by
| (496) |
| (497) |
where κ(r) and δ(r) are elongation and triangularity profile, R0(r) is the Shafranov shift profile, which is given by
| (498) |
where R0′ is a constant, R0(a) is the major radius of the center of the boundary flux surface. The triangularity profile is
| (499) |
and the elongation profile is
| (500) |
The nominal ITER parameters are κ0 = 1.8, δ0 = 0.5 and R0′ = −0.16. I wrote a code to plot the shapes of the flux surface (/home/yj/project/miller_flux_surface). An example of the results is given in Fig. 35.