Denote the physical particle distribution function in question by f (f can be the full-f or δf, depending on the context). The weight of a marker in this note is defined as the number of physical particles carried by f in the corresponding phase-space volume sampled by the marker, i.e.,
![]() | (14) |
which, by using Eq. (5), is further written as
![]() | (15) |
or, by using Eq. (11), is written as
![]() | (16) |
In most PIC codes I wrote, I implement several kinds of marker distribution functions, which can be chosen via an option. In practice, I primarily use the marker distribution g that is uniform in real space and Maxwellian in velocity space with a constant temperature (the other forms of marker distributions are used occasionally for benchmarking purpose), i.e., g is given by
![]() | (17) |
where Tg is a constant temperature, Np is the number of markers, and V is the spatial volume of the computational box. This marker distribution satisfies the normalization ∫ gdvdr = Np.
[In the literature on δf PIC simulations, the weight defined by different authors may differ by a factor and this factor is taken into account when calculating velocity moments using the weight. For example, in Ben’s thesis[?], the weight is defined as wj⋆ = δf∕f0, where f0 is the equilibrium physical distribution function. Assume that f0 is an Maxwellian distribution with constant temperature Tg, then the marker distribution given in Eq. (17) can be written in terms of f0 as g = Npf0∕(n0V ), where n0 is the equilibrium number density. Then wj⋆ and the weight wj defined above is related by
![]() | (18) |
As another example, in the GEM code, the particle weight is defined by w⋆ = δf∕g⋆ and g⋆ is chosen as
![]() | (19) |
which is related to g defined in Eq. (17) by g = g⋆Np∕V . Here g⋆ satisfies the normalization ∫ g⋆dvdr = V . Then the relation of w⋆j in GEM and wj in this note is given by
![]() | (20) |
Note that wj⋆ defined here is of number density dimension. Actually used in the code is the normalized weight defined by wj⋆ = wj⋆∕nu, where nu is the number density unit used in GEM. Then the relation between wj and wj⋆ is given by
![]() | (21) |
where V = V∕xu3 and xu is the length unit used in GEM.]