5.16 Energy conservation (check!)

Next we check how well the total energy of the system is conserved in a total-f simulation. The total physical particles in the system is given by

Ns =    wj,

The spatial volume occupied by these physical particles is given by V = Ns∕n0, where n0 is the equilibrium electron number density. Since the length along the x direction of the system is L, the cross section Syz of volume occupied by these physical particles is given by

S   = V-= --j=0wj-.
 yz   L     Ln0

Then the total electrical energy in the volume is given by

           Lx 1   2        ∑n 1   2
WE  = Syz 0   2𝜀0E dx ≈ Syz   2𝜀0E (xi)Δ

Define W0 = (mv022) wj, and the normalized electric energy WE = WE∕W0, which can be further written as

      ∑N      ∑n   1    2       ∑n   1    2        ∑n   1  -2   (   2)2   ∑n   -2 --
W-E = --j=0-wj--i=12𝜀0E∑(xi)Δ-= --i=12𝜀0E-(xi)dx=  --i=1-2𝜀0Eidx- mv-0   = --i=1-Eidx-.
        ne0L    (mv20∕2)  wj       ne0L(mv20∕2)     ne0L(mv20∕2)  eλD          L

The total particle kinetic energy in the system is given by

     ∑Np   1   2
Wk =     wj2mv j.

Define the normalized kinetic energy Wk = Wk∕W0, which can be further written as

      ∑N     1   2   ∑N     -2
W-k = --j=0-wj2∑mv-j=  --j=∑0-wjvj.
      (mv20∕2)  wj        wj

Figure 9 plots the time evolution of WE, Wk Wk(t = 0), and Wk + WE Wk(t = 0), which indicates the total energy is approximately conserved.


Figure 9: Time evolution of the electric energy WE, kinetic energy Wk, and total energy Wk + WE Wk(t = 0). Wk(t = 0) = 0.9991. Full-f simulation without imposing external perturbation.




Figure 10: Time evolution of the electric energy WE, kinetic energy Wk, and total energy Wk+WEWk(t = 0). Full-f simulation with perturbation wj−→wj + 0.05wj sin(krj)