3.1 MHD momentum equation

The MHD momentum equation of plasmas is given by

  (∂u         )
ρ  ---+ u ⋅∇u   = ρqE + J × B − ∇ ⋅ℙ

where ρ, ρq, , J, E, and B are mass density, charge density, thermal pressure tensor, current density, electric field, and magnetic field, respectively. The electric field force ρqE is usually ignored due to either ρq = 0 or E = 0. Further assume that there is no plasma flow (u = 0, the flow effect is discussed in A.2) and the plasma pressure is isotropic, then the steady state momentum equation (force balance equation) is written

J × B = ∇P,

where P is the scalar plasma pressure.

Is the force balance (56) always satisfied in a real toakamak discharge? To answer this question, we need to go back to the original momentum equation (55). The imbalance between J × B and P will give rise to the compressional Alfven waves, the time-scale of which, τA, is much shorter than the time-scale τ we are interested in. Therefore, on the time scale τ and for slow flow with u < Cs, where Cs is the the sound speed, the leading order of the momentum equation is the force balance (56). (to be sure, I need to think about this again). This reasoning is from Youwen Sun[24].