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GTAW code

GTAW (acronym for General Tokamak Alfven Wave) is an ideal MHD eigenvalue code that calculates the frequency and mode structure of Alfven eigenmodes in general tokamak geometry. GTAW reads the standard EFIT G-EQdsk file (g-file) to get the magnetic equilibrium information of an axisymmetric tokamak plasma. Then GTAW uses the equilibrium information to construct a magnetic surface coordinate system. Using the above equilibrium and flux coordinate system, GTAW calculates the MHD continua and try to find global Alfven gap modes. The following documents give the details of the model and numerical methods used in GTAW:

GTAW is a free software, which means that you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

The source code of GTAW can be found here

The development of GTAW code was supported by the National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Science Program of China under Grant No. 2013GB112010.

External Library used in GTAW: Lapack. Refer to the makefile for compiling and running GTAW.

Guiding-center orbit in tokamak

The source code: Tokamak_Guiding_Center_Orbit.tar

Document: Guiding_Center_Motion.pdf

The following are some GIF animations of guiding-center orbit in EAST tokamak, which illustrate the toroidal procession of a trapped fast ion.

gif animationorbit 3D

orbit 3D

One-dimensional particle simulation

This toy program solves the one-dimensional nonlinear Poisson-Vlasov system via the delta-f PIC method, which can reproduce the landau damping of plasma waves.

The source code: pic_1D_src.tar

Relevant document: Notes on particle_simulation.pdf

Fig. Simulation results of landau damping of electron plasma waves agree with the analytical results.

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