Next, we work in cylindrical coordinates
and prove that the
generalized momentum conjugating to the toroidal angle
is a constant
of motion for axisymmetric electromagnetic field. The generalized momentum
conjugating to
is defined by
(36) |
Using the Lagrangian given in Eq. (1), Eq. (36) is
written as
Noting that
, we obtain
(38) |
from which we get
(39) |
Further we note that
(40) |
is the toroidal unit vector. Thus we obtain that
(41) |
Using this, Eq. (37) is written as
, then the above equation is written as
(42) |
which agrees with Eq. (17) in Porcelli's paper[1]. Next we
calculate the total time derivative of
, which is given by the
Euler-Lagrangian equation corresponding to
(43) |
In order to calculate the partial derivative of
with respect to
, we write
in terms of the cylindrical coordinate,
(44) |
the time derivative of which is
(45) |
(Note that
.) Then we
(46) |
from which we obtain
Similarly, we obtain
(48) |
Using these, the partial derivative of
with respect to
can be calculated as
(49) |
The second last term on the right-hand side of Eq. (49) can be
further calculated as
in the above equation, we obtain
(51) |
Using Eq. (51) in Eq. (49) yields
(52) |
For toroidal symmetrical equilibrium, the partial derivatives with respect to
are all zeros. In this case Eq. (52) reduces to
. Using the Euler-Lagrange equation, we
, i.e.,
is a constant of the
motion in symmetrical field. [Note in passing that Eq. (52) is
different from Eq. (32) in Porcelli's paper[1], which is
given by
(53) |
Porcelli's equation is obviously wrong since it can not recover the correct
for axisymmetrical electromagnetic field.]
YouJun Hu