13.5 Visualization of gridpoints in field aligned coordinate system

In this section, I try to visualize gridpoints in the field aligned coordinates. The directions of the covariant basis vectors of (ψ,𝜃,α) coordinates are as follows:

∂α-|ψ,𝜃 −→ usualtoroidaldirection,ϕˆ,

∂𝜃-|ψ,α −→ (parallel or antiparallelto)field linedirection

--|𝜃,α −→ combination ofthe usualradialand toroidaldirection

Here r∕∂ψ|𝜃,α is a combination of the usual radial and toroidal direction, which needs some clarification. Note that, ϕ is related to α by Eq. (300), i.e.,

       ∫ 𝜃
ϕ = α +   B-⋅∇-ϕd𝜃 ≈ α+ q(ψ)𝜃,
        0 B ⋅∇ 𝜃

(where the second equality becomes exact if 𝜃 is the straight-field-line poloidal angle defined in Sec. 8.4.), which indicates that, for q(ψ)0 and 𝜃0, the usual toroidal angle ϕ is changing when changing ψ and holding 𝜃 and α fixed. Figure 16b shows how the usual toroidal angle ϕ changes when we change ψ and hold 𝜃 and α fixed.

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Fig. 16: (a): A 𝜃 contour on ϕ = 0 plane. Here 𝜃 = 9×2π∕63.  This is the direction of r∕∂ψ|𝜃,ϕ. (b): ψ coordinate lines in (ψ,𝜃,α) coordinates ( r∕∂ψ|𝜃,α are the tangent lines to these curves) on the isosurface of 𝜃 = 9 × 2π∕63. Here different lines correspond to different values of α. (c): α coordinate lines (r∕∂α|ψ,𝜃 are tangent lines to these curves), which are along the usual toroidal direction ˆϕ. (d): Grid on the isosurface of 𝜃 = 9×2π∕63, where the red lines are α coordinate lines while the blue lines are ψ coordinate lines. Magnetic field from EAST discharge #59954@3.03s.

The relation ϕ α + q(ψ)𝜃 given by Eq. (317) indicates that the toroidal shift along r∕∂ψ|α,𝜃 for a radial change form ψ1 to ψ2 is given by (q(ψ2) q(ψ2))𝜃, which is larger on 𝜃 isosurface with larger value of 𝜃. An example for this is shown in Fig. 17 for 𝜃 = 19 × 2π∕63, where r∕∂ψ|α,𝜃 has larger toroidal shift than that in Fig. 16 for 𝜃 = 9 × 2π∕63.

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Fig. 17: (a) 𝜃 = 19 × 2π∕63 contour on ϕ = 0 plane, (b) r∕∂ψ curves, (c) r∕∂α curves on isosurface of 𝜃 = 19×2π∕63. r∕∂α lines are identical with r∕∂ϕ lines. (d): Grid on the isosurface of 𝜃 = 19 × 2π∕63, which are the combinations of r∕∂ψ curves and r∕∂α curves.


The r∕∂ψ|𝜃,α curves can be understood from another perspective. Examine a family of magnetic field lines that start from 𝜃 = 0 and ϕ = ϕ1 but different radial coordinates. These starting points all have the same value of α, which is equal to ϕ1. When following these field lines to another isosurfce of 𝜃, the intersecting points of these field lines with the 𝜃 isosurface will trace out a r∕∂ψ|𝜃,α line with α = ϕ1. Examine another family of magnetic field lines similar to the above but with the starting toroidal angle ϕ = ϕ2. They will trace out another r∕∂ψ|𝜃,α line (with α = ϕ2) on the 𝜃 isosurface. Continue the process, we finally get those curves in Fig. 16b and Fig. 17b.

Radial wavenumber in field-aligned coordinates (ψ,𝜃,α)

For a harmonic in (ψ,𝜃,ϕ) coordinates given by A(ψ,𝜃,ϕ) = exp(ikψψ + im𝜃 + inϕ), the radial wave number is kψ. Let us calculate the corresponding radial wavenumber kψ in the new coordinates (ψ,𝜃,α), which is defined by

k⋆ = ∂phase||   ,
 ψ     ∂ψ  |𝜃,α

where the phase is given by phase = kψψ + m𝜃 + . Then the above expression is written as

k ⋆=  ∂(kψ-ψ+-m-𝜃+-nϕ-)||
 ψ          ∂ψ       |𝜃,α
   = kψ + n ∂ψ||                                 (319)
Using  Using ϕ α + q(ψ)𝜃, the above expression is written as
k⋆ψ = kψ + nq′𝜃,                           (320)
where q= dq∕dψ. This result indicates that, compared with the radial wavenumber in coordinate system (ψ,𝜃,ϕ), the radial wavenumber in the new coordinate system (ψ,𝜃,α) has an increment n𝜃q. For nonzero magnetic shear (q0) and nonzero poloidal location (𝜃0), the increment n𝜃qcan be large for modes with toroidal mode number n 1. Then we need to use more radial grid number (compared what is needed in (ψ,𝜃,ϕ) coordinates) to resolve the radial variation. This is one of disadvantage of using field-aligned coordinates. If the saving associated with using less parallel grid number out-weights the cost associated with using more radial grid number, we obtain a net saving in using the field-aligned coordinates.

Let us examine how many ψ grid points are needed to resolve the ψ dependence in (ψ,𝜃,α) coordinates on the high-field side (𝜃 = π). Assume kψ 0, then kψ at 𝜃 = π is given by kψ = nπq. The corresponding wave-length is given by λψ = 2π∕kψ. The grid spacing Δψ should be less than half of this wave-length (sampling theorem). Then the grid number should satisfy that

 ⋆   L ψ    Lψ      ′
Nψ = Δ-ψ ≥ λ⋆∕2-= nq Lψ,

where Lψ is the radial width of the computational domain.

The number of Fourier harmonics that need to be included is given by

        k⋆       ′
Nk ⋆ψ = --ψ---= nq-Lψ.
       2π∕Lψ     2

For DIII-D cyclone base case, choose the radial coordinate ψ as r. At the radial location ψ = r0 = 0.24m, q0 = 1.4, ŝ0 = 0.78, then q0 = s0q0∕r0 = 4.5m1. Then Nr = n× 0.45 for the radial width Lr = 0.10m.


Figure 18 plots r∕∂ψ|𝜃,α lines on the 𝜃 = 0,2π isosurfaces, which are chosen to be on the low-field-side midplane. On 𝜃 = 0 surface, r∕∂ψ|𝜃,α lines are identical to r∕∂ψ|𝜃,ϕ lines. On 𝜃 = 2π surface, each r∕∂ψ|𝜃,α line has large ϕ shift. In old version of my code, 𝜃 = 0,2π surfaces are chosen as the 𝜃 cuts (in the new version 𝜃 = [π,π]). A connection condition for the perturbations is needed between these two surfaces. This connection condition is discussed in Sec. 13.5.

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Fig. 18: (a) 𝜃 = 0 contour (blue line) in ϕ = 0 plane; (b) a series of r∕∂ψ|𝜃,α curves (with αj = j2π∕20, j = 0,1,2,,20) on 𝜃 = 0 isosurface, (c) a single r∕∂ψ|𝜃,α curve (with α = 0) on 𝜃 = 2π isosurface. This curve finish about 4 torodial loops because (qmax qmin)2π = (5.56 1.79) × 2π 4 × 2π. The radial range is ψ = 0.2 0.9, where ψ is the normalized poloidal magnetic flux. Magnetic field from EAST discharge #59954@3.03s (gfile g059954.003030 provided by Hao BaoLong).

Periodic conditions of physical quantity along 𝜃 and α in field-line-following coordinates (ψ,𝜃,α)

Since (ψ,𝜃,ϕ) and (ψ,𝜃 + 2π,ϕ) correspond to the same spatial point, a real space continuous quantity f expressed in terms of coordinates (ψ,𝜃,ϕ), i.e., f = f(ψ,𝜃,ϕ), must satisfy the following periodic conditions along 𝜃:

f(ψ,𝜃 +2π,ϕ ) = f(ψ,𝜃,ϕ).

Since (ψ,𝜃,ϕ) and (ψ,𝜃,ϕ + 2π) correspond to the same spatial point, f must satisfy the following periodic conditions along ϕ:

f(ψ,𝜃,ϕ +2π ) = f(ψ,𝜃,ϕ).

Since (ψ,𝜃,α) and (ψ,𝜃,α + 2π) correspond to the same spatial point, a real space continuous quantity g expressed in terms of field-line-following coordinates (ψ,𝜃,α), i.e., g = g(ψ,𝜃,α), must satisfy the following periodic condition along α:

g(ψ,𝜃,α +2π ) = g(ψ,𝜃,α).

However, generally there is no periodic condition along 𝜃,

g(ψ,𝜃+ 2π,α ) ⁄= g(ψ,𝜃,α),

because P1 = (ψ,𝜃,α) and P2 = (ψ,𝜃 + 2π,α) are generally not the same spatial point. In fact, equation (300) implies, for point P1, its toroidal angle ϕ1 is given by

        ∫ 𝜃B ⋅∇ ϕ
ϕ1 = α +   B-⋅∇-𝜃d𝜃,

while for point P2, its toroidal angle ϕ2 is given by

        ∫ 𝜃+2π B ⋅∇ϕ
ϕ2 = α +       ------d𝜃 = ϕ1 + 2πq,
          0    B ⋅∇𝜃

i.e., ϕ1 and ϕ2 are different by 2πq. From this, we know that (ψ,𝜃,α) and (ψ,𝜃 + 2π,α 2πq) correspond to the same spatial point. Therefore we have the following periodic condition:

g(ψ,𝜃,α) = g(ψ, 𝜃+ 2π,α− 2πq),

or equivalently

g(ψ,𝜃 + 2π,α) = g(ψ,𝜃,α+ 2πq).

Numerical implementation of periodic condition (329)

For the fully kinetic ion module of GEM code that I am developing, 𝜃 is chosen in the range [0 : 2π]. The condition (330) imposes the following boundary condition:

g(ψ,2π,α) = g(ψ,0,α + 2πq).

If α is on a grid, α + 2πq is usually not on a grid. Therefore, to get the value of g(ψ,0+ 2πq), an interpolation of the discrete date over the generalized toroidal angle α (or equivalently ϕ) is needed, as is shown in Fig. 19.




Fig. 19: Twenty magnetic field lines (on ψ = 0.2 magnetic surface) starting at different toroidal angle (blue points) on the midplane (𝜃 = 0) go a full poloidal loop (i.e., Δ𝜃 = 2π), arriving at a toroidal angle (red points) which are different from their respective starting toroidal angle. The field values on the red points can be obtained by interpolating the field values on the blue points. The safety factor of the magnetic surface q = 1.79. Magnetic field from EAST discharge #59954@3.03s.


α contours on a magnetic surface

Figure 20 compares a small number of ϕ contours and α contours on a magnetic surface.

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Fig. 20: Comparison between a series of ϕ contours (left) and a series of α contours (right) on a magnetic surface. Here contour levels are ϕj = αj = (j 1)2π∕4(10 1) with j = 1,2,,10, i.e., only 14 of the full torus. Every ϕ and α contour start from the lower-field-side midplane and go one poloidal loop.  Magnetic field from EAST discharge #59954@3.03s.

As is shown in the left panel of Fig. 20, with ϕ fixed, an 𝜃 curve reaches its starting point when 𝜃 changes from zero to 2π. However, as shown in the right panel of Fig. 20, with α fixed, an 𝜃 curve (i.e. a magnetic field line) does not necessarily reach its starting point when 𝜃 changes from zero to 2π. There is a toroidal shift, 2πq, between the starting point and ending point. Therefore there is generally no periodic condition along 𝜃 since q is not always an integer. A mixed periodic condition involves both 𝜃 and α is given in (329).

In field-line-following coordinates (ψ,𝜃,α), a toroidal harmonic of a physical perturbation can be written as

δA (ψ,𝜃,α) = δA0(ψ)cos(m′𝜃+ nα + α0)

where n is the toroidal mode number, m, which is not necessary an integer, is introduced to describe the variation along a field line. The periodic condition given by Eq. (329) requires that

cos(m ′𝜃+ n α+ α0) = cos[m′(𝜃 + 2π)+ n(α− 2πq) +α0 ],

To satisfy the above condition, we can choose

m′2π− n2πq = N 2π,

where N is an arbitrary integer, i.e.,

m  = N + nq.

We are interested in perturbation with a slow variation along the field line direction (i.e., along r∕∂𝜃|ψ,α) and thus we want the value of mto be small. One of the possible small values given by expression (335) is to choose N = n × NINT((qmax + qmin)2), so that mis given by

                     ( q   + q   )
m ′(ψ ) = nq− n × NINT  -max---min- ,

where NINT is a function that return the nearest integer of its argument, qmax and qmin is the maximal and minimal value of the safety factor in the radial region in which we are interested. [In the past, I choose m(ψ) = nq NINT(nq). However, m(ψ) in this case is not a continuous function of ψ and thus is not physical.] This form is used to set the initial density perturbation in the fully kinetic code I am developing. Note that min Eq. (336) depends on the radial coordinate ψ through q(ψ). Also note that mhere is different from the poloidal mode number m in (ψ,𝜃,ϕ) coordinate system. It is ready to show that the perturbation given by Eq. (332) with m′∼ 1 and n 1 has large poloidal mode number m when expressed in (ψ,𝜃,ϕ) coordinates. [Proof: Expression (332) can be written as

δA = δA0 (ψ )cos[m′𝜃+ n(ϕ − δ(ψ,𝜃))+ α0]

Assume that 𝜃 is the straight-field-line poloidal angle in (ψ,𝜃,ϕ) coordinate system, then δ(ψ,𝜃) = q𝜃 and the above equation is written as

δA = δA0(ψ)cos[(m ′ − nq )𝜃 + nϕ+ α0],

which indicates the poloidal mode number m in (ψ,𝜃,ϕ) coordinates is given by m = m′−nq. For the case with m′∼ 1 and n 1, m is much larger than one.]

Since α contours on a magnetic surface are magnetic field lines, they span out the 3D shape of magnetic surface when there are many α contours on a magnetic surface, as is shown by the right-panel of Fig. 21.

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Fig. 21: Comparison between a series of ϕ contours(left) and a series of α contours (left) on a magnetic surface. The α contours correspond to magnetic field lines. Here the α values of adjacent α contours differ by = 2π∕20 and each α contour goes one full poloidal loop. Magnetic field from EAST discharge #59954@3.03s.



α contours in a toroidal annulus

Figure 22 compares the ϕ coordinate surface of (ψ,𝜃,ϕ) coordinates with the α coordinate surface of (ψ,𝜃,α) coordinates.

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Fig. 22: Comparison between isosurface of ϕ = 2π∕8 (projection of magnetic field lines onto ϕ = 2π∕8 plane) and isosurface of α = 2π∕8. The α isosurface is made of a family of contours of α = 2π∕8, which are all magnetic field lines. These field lines are traced by starting from a series of points on the low-field-side midplane (𝜃 = 0) at different radial locations and the field lines are followed by one poloidal loop. The radial range is given by ψN [0.4 : 0.5], where ψN is the normalized poloidal magnetic flux. Magnetic field from EAST discharge #59954@3.03s.



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Fig. 23: The same plot as in Fig. 22 but with a larger radial range. ψN [0.4 : 0.7], where ψN is the normalized poloidal magnetic flux.

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Fig. 24: Values of 𝜃 and δ 0𝜃qˆ d𝜃 on an annulus in the poloidal plane (R,Z). Upper panel: using magnetic coordinates. Lower panel: comparison with the results computed in cylindricall coordinates. Both 𝜃 and δ are discontinuous at the 𝜃 cut, 𝜃 = ±π, which is chosen on the high-field-side.



Fig. 25: Upper pannel: 2D grid (ψ,𝜃) of resolution (27,33) for a fixed value of α. Lower pannel: 3D grid (ψ,α,𝜃) of resolution (27,4,33) for a toroidal wedge of 2π∕40. The blue lines are field lines. The 3D grid is generated by rotating the 2D grid toroidally. Only 3 field-lines are shown for both cases.



The above grid is often called “flux-tube”, since it is created by following field lines, and it looks like a tube if the field lines are very near to each other (e.g., when we choose a very narrow radial and toroidal region to start from). Since no magnetic field line passes through the sides of the tube, the flux through any cross section of the tube is equal. The term “flux tube” is often used in astrophysics.