Note that
| (309) |
Note that the parallel gradient operator ∇∥≡ e∥⋅∇ = ∂∕∂z acting on the the perturbed quantities will result in quantities of order O(λ2). Retaining terms of order up to O(λ), equation (309) is written as
| (310) |
i.e., only the parallel component survive, which exactly cancels the last term in Eq. (308), i.e., equation (308) is reduced to
| (311) |
In terms of δBxL and δByL, δB⊥ is written as
| (312) |
Dotting the above equation by ∇x and ∇y, respectively, we obtain
| (313) |
| (314) |
Equations (313) and (314) can be further written as
| (315) |
| (316) |
The solution of this 2 × 2 system is expressed by Cramer’s rule in the code.
Use B0 = Ψ′∇x ×∇y
b = Ψ′∇x ×∇y∕B0
| (319) |
Note that the parallel gradient operator ∇∥≡ e∥⋅∇ = ∂∕∂z acting on the the perturbed quantities will result in quantities of order O(λ2). Retaining terms of order up to O(λ), equation (309) is written as
| (320) |
Using this, equation (318) is written as
| (321) |
However, this expression is not useful for GEM because GEM does not use the local coordinates (r,ϕ,z).]
The perturbed drift δVD is given by Eq. (138), i.e.,
| (322) |
Using δL = δΦ − v ⋅ δA, the above expression can be further written as
Accurate to order O(λ), the term involving δΦ is which is the δE×B0 drift. Accurate to O(λ), the ⟨v∥δA∥⟩α term on the right-hand side of Eq. (323) is written which is called “magnetic fluttering” (this is actually not a real drift). In obtaining the last equality, use has been made of Eq. (311), i.e., δB⊥ = ∇xδA∥× e∥.Accurate to O(λ), the last term on the right-hand side of expression (323) is written
Using Eqs. (324), (326), and (327), expression (323) is finally written as
| (328) |
Using this, the first equation of the characteristics, equation (292), is written as
[Note that
| (331) |
where ∂δA⊥∕∂t is of O(λ2). This means that δE⊥ + ∇⊥δϕ is of O(λ2) although both δE⊥ and δϕ are of O(λ).]
Note that
where use has been made of ⟨v⊥⋅∇δϕ⟩≈ 0, This indicates that ⟨v⊥⋅ δE⟩α is of O(λ1)δE. Using Eq. (332), the coefficient before ∂F0∕∂𝜀 in Eq. (141) can be further written as Using Eq. (333) and (), gyrokinetic equation (141) is finally written as