3 δf form of Vlasov equation in guiding-center variables

3.1 Electromagnetic field perturbation

Since the definition of the guiding-center variables (X,𝜀,μ,α) involves the equilibrium fields B0 and E0, to further simplify Eq. (52), we need to separate electromagnetic field into equilibrium and perturbation parts. Writing the electromagnetic field as

E = E0 + δE


B = B0 + δB,

then substituting these expressions into equation (52) and moving all terms involving the field perturbations to the right-hand side, we obtain

   ∂fg      ∂fg     [               q   ∂fg]
   -∂t + v ⋅∂X-+ v ⋅ [λB1 + λB2]fg − m-E0 ∂𝜀
                    (  )                  (       )
+  -q(E0 + v× B0 )×  e∥  ⋅ ∂fg + q-(v × B0)⋅ eα-∂fg
   m     (           Ω    ∂X    m)           v⊥ ∂α
   -q       ∂fg   v⊥∂fg   eα-∂fg
+  m E0 ⋅ v ∂𝜀 +  B0 ∂μ + v⊥ ∂α
=  δRfg,                                                     (55)
where δR is defined by
                                                (      )
          q-              (e∥)  -∂-   q-          eα-∂--
δR  =   − m(δE + v× δB )×   Ω  ⋅∂X  − m (v × δB) ⋅ v⊥ ∂α
          q    (  ∂    v⊥ ∂    eα ∂ )
        − mδE ⋅  v∂𝜀-+ B--∂μ-+ v-∂-α  .                          (56)
                        0       ⊥
Next, let us simplify the left-hand side of Eq. (55). Note that
           (      )
q-(v× B  )⋅ eα-∂fg
m       0   v⊥ ∂α
  q-         e∥ ×-v⊥-∂fg
= m (v× B0 )⋅  v2⊥   ∂ α
= − Ω--g.                                     (57)
Note that
 q     (e∥)  ∂fg    (E0 × e∥)  ∂fg        ∂fg
m-E0 ×  Ω-  ⋅∂X- = c ---B0--  ⋅∂X- = vE0 ⋅ ∂X-,

where vE0 is defined by vE0 = cE0 × e∕B0, which is the E0 × B0 drift. Further note that

q-v×-B0-  ( e∥) ∂fg                    ∂fg
m   c   ×   Ω  ⋅ ∂X   =  [(v × e∥)× e∥]⋅∂X
                      =  [v∥e∥ − v ]⋅∂X ,                 (59)
which can be combined with v ∂fg∕∂X term, yielding ve∂fg∕∂X.

Using Eqs. (58),  (59), and  (57), the left-hand side of equation (55) is written as

    ∂fg               ∂fg                     ∂fg
    ∂t-+ (v∥e∥ + VE0 )⋅∂X +v ⋅[λB1 + λB2 ]fg − Ω ∂α
    q    ( v⊥ ∂fg   eα∂fg)
+   --E0 ⋅ ------+  -----  ≡ Lgfg,                          (60)
    m      B0 ∂μ    v⊥  ∂α
where Lg is often called the unperturbed Vlasov propagator in guiding-center coordinates (X,𝜀,μ,α).

[Equation (60), corresponds to Eq. (7) in Frieman-Chen’s paper[3]. In Frieman-Chen’s equation (7), there is a term

m(Emac E0) v∂--

where Emac is a given macroscopic electric field introduced when defining the guiding-center transformation. In my derivation  Emac is chosen to be equal to the equilibrium electric field, and thus the above term is zero.]

Using the above results, Eq. (55) is written as

Lgfg = δRfg,


∂fg+ (v∥e∥ + VE0 )⋅ ∂fg − Ω ∂fg
∂t  [             ∂X     ∂α           ]
+v ⋅ v× -∂-(e-∥)⋅ ∂fg + ∂μ-∂fg+ ∂α∂fg
        ∂x   Ω   ∂X    ∂x ∂μ    ∂x ∂α
  q    (v ⊥∂fg   eα ∂fg)
+m-E0 ⋅ B0--∂μ + v⊥-∂α-
                    (e )                  (       )
= −-q(δE + v× δB )×  -∥  ⋅ ∂fg− q-(v × δB)⋅  eα-∂fg
   m   (             Ω    ∂X  ) m           v⊥ ∂α
−-qδE ⋅ v ∂fg+ v-⊥∂fg + eα-∂fg  .                           (62)
 m        ∂𝜀   B0  ∂μ   v⊥ ∂α
It is instructive to consider some special cases of the above complicated equation. Consider the case that the equilibrium magnetic field B0 is uniform and time-independent, E0 = 0, and the electrostatic limit δB = 0, then equation (62) is simplified as
∂fg+ v∥e∥ ⋅ ∂fg− Ω ∂fg
∂t         ∂(X  )  ∂α
= −-q(δE) ×  e∥  ⋅ ∂fg                            (63)
   m   (     Ω    ∂X          )
−-qδE ⋅ v ∂fg+  v⊥∂fg + eα-∂fg                    (64)
 m        ∂𝜀    B0 ∂μ   v⊥ ∂α
If neglecting the δE perturbation, the above equation reduces to
∂f         ∂f     ∂f
--g + v∥e∥ ⋅--g − Ω--g = 0,
 ∂t        ∂X     ∂α

which agrees with Eq. (21) discussed in Sec. 1.2.

3.2 Distribution function perturbation

Expand the distribution function fg as

fg = Fg + δFg,

where Fg is assumed to be an equilibrium distribution function, i.e.,

LgFg = 0.

Using Eqs. (66) and (67) in Eq. (61), we obtain an equation for δFg:

Lg δFg = δRFg + δRδFg.

3.3 Gyrokinetic ordering

To facilitate the simplification of the Vlasov equation in the low-frequency regime, we assume the following orderings (some of which are roughly based on experiment measure of fluctuations responsible for tokamak plasma transport, some of which can be invalid in some interesting cases.) These ordering are often called the standard gyrokinetic orderings.

3.3.1 Assumptions for equilibrium quantities

Define the spatial scale length L0 of equilibrium quantities by L0 Fg|∇XFg|. Assume that L0 is much larger than the thermal gyro-radius ρi vtΩ, i.e., λ ρi∕L0 is a small parameter, where vt = ∘2T--∕m is the thermal velocity. That is

1--             1
Fgρi|∇XFg | ∼ O (λ ),


-1-ρ |∇  B | ∼ O(λ1).
B0  i  X  0

The equilibrium E0 × B0 flow, i.e.,

vE0 = E0 × e∥∕B0 = − ∇ Φ0 × e∥∕B0,

is assumed to be weak with

|vE0|∼  O(λ1),

3.3.2 Assumptions for perturbations

We assume that the amplitudes of perturbations are small. Specifically, we assume

δFg-  qδΦ-  |δB-|      1
F0  ∼  T  ∼  B0 ∼ O (λ),

where δΦ is the perturbed scalar potential defined later in Eq. (79).

We consider low frequency perturbations with ω∕Ω O(λ1), then

-1--1∂δFg-∼ O (λ1).
δFgΩ  ∂t

The perturbation is assumed to have a long wavelength (much longer than ρi) in the parallel direction

-1-|ρe  ⋅∇  δF | ∼ O(λ1),
δFg  i∥   X   g

and have a short wavelength comparable to the thermal gyro-radius in the perpendicular direction

-1-|ρi∇X⊥ δFg| ∼ O(λ0).

[Combining Eq. (75) and (76), we obtain

k∥-≈  e∥ ⋅∇X-∼ O(λ),
k⊥     ∇X⊥

i.e., the parallel wave number is one order smaller than the perpendicular wave-number.]

In terms of the scalar and vector potentials δΦ and δA, the perturbed electromagnetic field is written as

δB = ∇x × δA,


δE = − ∇xδΦ −  ∂t .


δE ∥ = − ∇∥δΦ −  ∂t

                (∂δA )
δE ⊥ = − ∇ ⊥δΦ − ----   ,
                  ∂t   ⊥

Using the above orderings, it is ready see that δE is one order smaller than δE, i.e.,

--∥-= O (λ1).

Most gyrokinetic simulations approximate the vector potential as δA δAe.

δB = ∇x × (δA ∥e∥) ≈ ∇xδA ∥ × e∥.

We will assume vtδAδΦ.

3.4 Equation for macroscopic distribution function Fg

The evolution of the macroscopic quantity Fg is governed by Eq. (67), i.e.,

LgFg = 0,

where the left-hand side is written as

          ∂F    ∂X  ∂F    ∂V   ∂F
LgFg  =   --g+  ---⋅---g+ --- ⋅--g-
          ∂t    ∂t  ∂X     ∂t  ∂V
      +  (v∥e∥ + VE0 )⋅ ∂Fg-+ v⋅[(λB1 + λB2 )Fg ]− Ω ∂Fg
               (      ∂X        )               ∂ α
      +   qE0 ⋅  v⊥-∂Fg-+ eα∂Fg-
          m      B0 ∂μ    v⊥ ∂α
Expand Fg as Fg = Fg0 + Fg1 + ., where Fgi Fg0O(λi). Then, the balance on order O(λ0) gives
∂Fg0 = 0

i.e., Fg0 is independent of the gyro-angle α. The balance on O(λ1) gives

                  (        )
v e ⋅ ∂Fg0+ -qE  ⋅  v⊥∂Fg0   = Ω∂Fg1.
 ∥ ∥  ∂X    m   0   B0 ∂μ        ∂α

Performing averaging over α, 02π(), on the above equation and noting that Fg0 is independent of α, we obtain

(∫         )               ∫         (    )   ∫
   2π         ∂Fg0   q-∂Fg0  2π        v⊥-     2π    ∂Fg1
  0  dαv∥e∥  ⋅ ∂X  + m  ∂μ  0  dαE0 ⋅  B0   =  0  dαΩ ∂α

Note that a quantity A = A(x) that is independent of v will depend on v when transformed to guiding-center coordinates, i.e., A(x) = Ag(X,v). Therefore Ag depends on gyro-angle α. However, since ρi∕L 1 for equilibrium quantities, the gyro-angle dependence of the equilibrium quantities can be neglected. Specifically, e, B0 and Ω can be considered to be independent of α. As to v, we have v = ±∘2-(𝜀−-B-μ)-
        0. Since B0 is considered independent of α, so does v. Using these results, equation (87) is written

                   ∫ 2π      (   )
v∥e∥ ⋅ ∂Fg0+-q ∂Fg0    dαE0 ⋅  v⊥- = 0.
      ∂X    m  ∂ μ  0          B0

Using E0 = −∇Φ0, the above equation is written as

                  ∫ 2π   (          )
v∥e∥ ⋅ ∂Fg0 + q-∂Fg0   dα  − v⊥-⋅∇-Φ0 = 0,
      ∂X    m  ∂μ   0         B0

Note that

∫ 2π
    dα-1-v⊥ ⋅∇X Φ0 ≈ 0,
 0    B0

where the error is of O(λ20, and thus, accurate to O(λ), the last term of equation (89) is zero. Then equation (89) is written as

v∥e∥ ⋅-g0 = 0,

which implies that Fg0 is constant along a magnetic field line.

3.5 Equation for δFg

Using Fg Fg0, equation (68) is written as

LgδFg = δRFg0 +     δR δFg     ,

where δRδFg is a nonlinear term which is of order O(λ2) or higher, LgδFg and δRFg0 are linear terms which are of order O(λ1) or higher. The linear term δRFg0 is given by

          q (     v × δB)   (e∥ ) ∂Fg0   q     ( ∂Fg0   v⊥ ∂Fg0)
δRFg0 = − m- δE + ---c--  ×  -Ω  ⋅-∂X- − m-δE ⋅ v-∂𝜀- + B0--∂μ-  ,
        ◟-------------◝◜--------------◞  ◟----------◝◜----------◞
                     O(λ2)                         O(λ1)

In obtaining (93), use has been made of ∂Fg0∕∂α = 0. Another linear term LgδFg is written as

LgδFg  =   ∂δFg-+ (v∥e∥ + VE0 )⋅ ∂δFg-+ v ⋅[λB1 + λB2]δFg − Ω ∂δFg
            ∂t                 ∂X                      ◟-◝∂◜α◞
           q    ( v⊥ ∂δFg   eα ∂δFg)
       +   m-E0 ⋅ B---∂μ--+ v---∂α-- ,                             (94)
                    0        ⊥
where Ω∂δFg∕∂α is of order O(λ1) and all the other terms are of order O(λ2).

Next, to reduce the complexity of algebra, we consider the easier case in which ∂Fg0∕∂μ = 0.

3.5.1 Balance on order O(λ1): adiabatic response

The balance between the leading terms (terms of O(λ)) in Eq. (92) requires that

 ∂δF     q    (  ∂F  )
Ω----a=  -δE ⋅  v--g0  ,
  ∂α     m        ∂𝜀

where δFa is a unknown distribution function to be solved from the above equation. It is ready to verify that

      q   ∂F
δFa = --δΦ---g0,
      m    ∂𝜀

is a solution to the above equation, accurate to O(λ). [Proof: Substitute expression (96) into the left-hand side of Eq. (95), we obtain

 ∂δFa        ∂  ( q   ∂Fg0)
Ω-∂α--  =  Ω ∂α- m-δΦ -∂𝜀-

        =  -q∂Fg0 Ω-∂-(δΦ )
           m  ∂ 𝜀  ∂α
        =  -q∂Fg0 Ω(∇xδΦ )⋅ ∂x                     (97)
           m  ∂ 𝜀          ∂α
∂x       ∂ [     e∥(X)]
∂α- =   ∂α- − v × Ω-(X-)

    =   -∂[− v ]× e∥(X-)
        ∂α       Ω(X )
    =   − v-⊥                                   (98)
Eq. (97) is written as
 ∂ δFa        q ∂Fg0         v ⊥
Ω-∂α--  =  − m--∂𝜀-Ω (∇x δΦ)⋅-Ω-
            q∂Fg0 (     ∂δA )
        =  ------  δE + ----  ⋅v⊥                    (99)
           m  ∂ 𝜀        ∂t
        ≈  -q∂Fg0 (δE )⋅v⊥,                          (100)
           m  ∂ 𝜀
where terms of O(λ2) have been dropped. Similarly, dropping the parallel electric field term (which is of O(λ2)) on the right-hand side of Eq. (95), we find it is identical to the right-hand side of Eq. (100)]

3.5.2 Separate δFg into adiabatic and non-adiabatic part

As is discussed above, the terms of O(λ) can be eliminated by splitting a so-called adiabatic term form δFg. Specifically, write δFg as

δFg = δFa + δG,

where δFa is given by (96), i.e.,

δF  = q-δΦ∂Fg0 ,
  a   m    ∂𝜀

which depends on the gyro-angle via δΦ and this term is often called adiabatic term. Plugging expression (101) into equation (92), we obtain

LgδG = δRFg0 − LgδFa+    δR δFg   .
       ◟-----◝◜-----◞     ◟ ◝◜-◞
         LinearTerms    NonlinearTerms

Next, let us simplify the linear term on the right-hand side, i.e, δRFg0 LgfδFa, (which should be of O(λ2) or higher because Ω∂δFa∕∂α cancels all the O(λ1) terms in δRFg0).

LgδFa is written

           q-∂Fg0       -q     ∂Fg0
LgδFa  =   m  ∂𝜀 LgδΦ + m δΦLg  ∂𝜀
       ≈   m  ∂𝜀 LgδΦ,                               (104)
where the error is of order O(λ3). In obtaining the above expression, use has been made of e∂Fg0∕∂X = 0, ∂Fg0∕∂X = O(λ1)Fg0, ∂Fg0∕∂α = 0, ∂Fg0∕∂μ = 0, and the definition of λB1 and λB2 given in expressions (39) and (40). The expression (104) involves δΦ operated by the Vlasov propagator Lg. Since δΦ takes the most simple form when expressed in particle coordinates (if in guiding-center coordinates, δΦ(x) = δΦ(Xv ×eΩ), which depends on velocity coordinates and thus more complicated), it is convenient to use the Vlasov propagator Lg expressed in particle coordinates. Transforming Lg back to the particle coordinates, expression (104) is written
           q ∂Fg0 [∂δΦ                q              ∂Φ   ]
LgδFa  =   m--∂𝜀-  -∂t-|x,v + v⋅∇x δΦ + m-(E0 + v × B0)⋅∂v-|x
                  [                ]
       =   q-∂Fg0  ∂δΦ-|x,v + v⋅∇x δΦ                              (105)
           m  ∂𝜀  [ ∂t        (              )]
           q-∂Fg0  ∂δΦ-               ∂δA-
       =   m  ∂𝜀    ∂t |x,v + v⋅  − δE − ∂t |x,v
           q ∂Fg0 [∂δΦ             ∂v ⋅δA    ]
       =   m--∂𝜀-  -∂t-|x,v − v⋅δE − ---∂t--|x,v .                  (106)
                  [                    ]
       =   q-∂Fg0  ∂δΦ-− v ⋅δE − ∂v-⋅δA- .                        (107)
           m  ∂𝜀    ∂t             ∂t
Using this and expression (93), δRFg0 LgδFa is written as
                    q               ( e )  ∂F     q    (  ∂F  )
δRFg0 − LgδFa  =  − --(δE + v × δB)×   -∥ ⋅ --g0− --δE ⋅ v --g0
                    m    [            Ω    ∂X ]  m         ∂𝜀
               −  -q ∂Fg0 ∂δΦ-− v ⋅δE − ∂v⋅δA--
                  m   ∂𝜀   ∂t             ∂t
                    q-              ( e∥)  ∂Fg0  -q∂Fg0 [∂Φ-   ∂v⋅δA-]
               =  − m (δE + v × δB)×   Ω  ⋅ ∂X  − m  ∂ 𝜀   ∂t −   ∂t   ,(108)
where the two terms of O(λ1) (the terms in blue and red) cancel each other, with the remain terms being all of O(λ2), i.e, the contribution of the adiabatic term cancels the leading order terms of O(λ1) on the RHS of Eq. (103).

The consequence of this is that, as we will see in Sec. 3.6.1, δG is independent of the gyro-angle, accurate to order O(λ1). Therefore, separating δF into adiabatic and non-adiabatic parts also corresponds to separating δF into gyro-angle dependent and gyro-angle independent parts.

3.5.3 Linear term expressed in terms of δΦ and δA

Let us rewrite the linear term (108) in terms of δΦ and δA. The δE + v ×δB term in expression (108) is written as

δE+ v × δB = − ∇ δΦ − ∂δA-+ v × ∇  ×δA.
                x      ∂t        x

Note that this term needs to be accurate to only O(λ). Then

δE + v× δB ≈ − ∇xδΦ + v× ∇x × δA,

where the error is of O(λ2). Using the vector identity v ×∇x ×δA = (δA) v (v ⋅∇)δA and noting v is constant for x operator, the above equation is written

δE + v × δB  = − ∇x δΦ+ ∇x (δA ⋅v )− (v ⋅∇x )δA

Note that Eq. (41) indicates that xδΦ ≈∇XδΦ, where the error is of O(λ2), then the above equation is written

δE+ v × δB = − ∇X δΦ + ∇X (δA ⋅v)− (v⋅∇X )δA

Further note that the parallel gradients in the above equation are of O(λ2) and thus can be dropped. Then expression (112) is written

δE + v × δB
= − ∇X ⊥δΦ + ∇X ⊥(δA ⋅v)− (v⊥ ⋅∇X⊥ )δA.
= − ∇X ⊥δL − v⊥ ⋅∇X⊥ δA,                             (113)
where δL is defined by
δL = δΦ − v ⋅δA.

Using expression (113), equation (108) is written

                 q [                         e ] ∂F      q∂δL ∂F
δRF0 − LgδFa = − -- (− ∇X ⊥δL − v⊥ ⋅∇X ⊥δA) ×-∥ ⋅---g0− --------g0,
                 m                           Ω    ∂X    m  ∂t  ∂𝜀

where all terms are of O(λ2).

3.6 Equation for the non-adiabatic part δG

Plugging expression (115) into Eq. (103), we obtain

           [                           ]
LgδG = − q- (− ∇X ⊥ δL− v⊥ ⋅∇X ⊥δA )× e∥ ⋅ ∂Fg0− q-∂δL∂Fg0 + δRδFg,
         m                           Ω    ∂X     m ∂t  ∂ 𝜀

where Lg is given by Eq. (94), i.e.,

        ∂                 ∂                    ∂
Lg  =   ∂t + (v∥e∥ + VE0) ⋅∂X-+ v ⋅[λB1 + λB2]− Ω ∂α
        q    ( v⊥ ∂    eα ∂ )
    +   --E0 ⋅ ------+ -----  ,                             (117)
        m      B0 ∂μ   v⊥∂ α
3.6.1 Expansion of δG

Expand δG as

δG = δG0 + δG1 + ,

where δGi O(λi+1)Fg0, and note that the right-hand side of Eq. (116) is of O(λ2), then, the balance on order O(λ1) requires

∂ δG
----0 = 0,
 ∂ α

i.e., δG0 is gyro-phase independent.

The balance on order O(λ2) requires (for the special case of E0 = 0):

   ∂δG0-+ v∥e∥ ⋅ ∂δG0-+v ⋅[λB1 + λB2 ]δG0
     ∂t[        ∂X                ]
=  − q- (− ∇X ⊥δL − v⊥ ⋅∇X δA)× e∥ ⋅ ∂Fg0 − q-∂δL-∂Fg0 + δR δFg.  (119)
     m                          Ω    ∂X    m  ∂t  ∂𝜀

3.6.2 Gyro-averaging

Define the gyro-average operator α by

            ∫ 2π
⟨h⟩  = (2π)− 1    hdα,
  α          0

where h = h(X,α,𝜀,μ) is an arbitrary function of guiding-center variables. The gyro-averaging is an integration in the velocity space. [For a field quantity, which is independent of the velocity in particle coordinates, i.e., h = h(x), it is ready to see that the above averaging is a spatial averaging over a gyro-ring.]

Gyro-averaging Eq. (119), we obtain

∂δG0   ⟨      ∂δG0⟩
-∂t--+   v∥e∥ ⋅-∂X-- + ⟨v ⋅[λB1 + λB2]δG0 ⟩α
      [               ]
= − q- − ∇X ⊥⟨δL⟩α × e∥ ⋅ ∂Fg0 −-q∂⟨δL⟩α ∂Fg0+ ⟨δRδFg⟩α,     (121)
    m               Ω    ∂X    m   ∂t    ∂𝜀
where use has been made of (v⋅∇X)δAα 0, where the error is of order higher than O(λ2). Note that v = ±∘ ----------
  2(𝜀− B0μ ). Since B0 is approximately independent of α, so does v. Using this, the first gyro-averaging on the left-hand side of the above equation is written
⟨     ∂δG  ⟩           ∂δG         ∂δG
 v∥e∥ ⋅---0   = ⟨v∥e∥⟩⋅ ---0-= v∥e∥ ⋅---0
       ∂X   α          ∂X           ∂X

The second gyro-averaging on the left-hand side of Eq. (121) can be written as

⟨v ⋅[λB1 + λB2]δG0⟩α = VD ⋅∇X δG0,

where VD is the magnetic curvature and gradient drift (Eq. (123) is derived in Appendix xx, to do later). Then Eq. (121) is written

[ ∂                  ]
 ∂t + (v∥e∥ +VD ) ⋅∇X  δG0
      [               ]
= − q- − ∇X ⊥ ⟨δL ⟩α × e∥ ⋅ ∂Fg0−-q ∂⟨δL-⟩α-∂Fg0 +⟨δR δFg ⟩α.      (124)
    m               Ω    ∂X    m    ∂t   ∂𝜀

3.6.3 Simplification of the nonlinear term

Next, we try to simplify the nonlinear term δRδFgα appearing in Eq. (124), which is written as

             ⟨   ( q   ∂F        )⟩
⟨δR δFg⟩α  =    δR   -δΦ --g0 + δG0
             ⟨     m(    ∂𝜀 ) ⟩      α
         =    -qδR  δΦ ∂Fg0     +⟨δR δG0 ⟩α              (125)
              m         ∂𝜀    α
First, let us focus on the first term, which can be written as
  (        )              (           )   (  )               (       )  (       )
δR  δΦ∂Fg0    ≈  − q-∂Fg0  δE + v-×-δB-  ×  e∥  ⋅ ∂δΦ-−-q ∂Fg0  v×-δB-  ⋅ eα-∂δΦ-
       ∂ 𝜀         m  ∂𝜀           c        Ω    ∂X   m   ∂𝜀     c       v⊥  ∂α
                  q ∂Fg0    ( ∂ δΦ    v⊥ ∂δΦ   eα∂ δΦ )   q        ∂2Fg0
              −   m--∂𝜀-δE ⋅ v-∂𝜀-+  B0-∂μ--+ v⊥-∂α-  + m-δΦδE ⋅v-∂𝜀2-
                     (            )                   2
              =  − q-  δE+  v×-δB-  ⋅∇vδΦ + q-δΦδE ⋅v∂-Fg20
                   m          c             m         ∂𝜀
              =   qδΦ δE ⋅v ∂2Fg0                                             (126)
                  m         ∂𝜀2
Using the above results, the nonlinear term δRδFα is written as
            ⟨         2   ⟩
⟨δRδF⟩α = q-  δΦδE ⋅v∂-Fg0   + ⟨δRδG0⟩α
          m           ∂𝜀2   α

Accurate to O(λ2),the first term on the right-hand side of the above is zero. [Proof:

⟨         2   ⟩      ⟨  2            ⟩
 δΦδE ⋅v∂-Fg20     =    ∂-Fg20δΦ∇ δΦ ⋅v
         ∂ 𝜀   α        ∂𝜀            α
                      ∂2Fg0        2
                  =    ∂𝜀2 ⟨v ⋅∇ (δΦ )⟩α
                      ∂2Fg0          2
                  ≈    ∂𝜀2 ⟨v ⊥ ⋅∇ (δΦ )⟩α
                  ≈  0,                                (128)
where use has been made of v⋅∇XδΦα 0, where the error is of O(λ2). Using the above results, expression (127) is written as
⟨δRδFg⟩α = ⟨δR δG0⟩α.

Using the expression of δR given by Eq. (56), the above expression is written as

                 ⟨(            )       ⟩
               q-        v×-δB-    (e∥)     ∂δG0-
⟨δR δG0⟩α  =  − m    δE +   c     ×  Ω    α ⋅ ∂X
               q ∂δG            q ∂δG  ⟨    v  ⟩
             − ------0⟨δE ⋅v⟩α − -----0- δE ⋅-⊥-             (130)
               m  ∂𝜀            m  ∂μ       B0  α
where use has been made of ∂δG0∕∂α = 0. Using Eq. (113), we obtain
  q-⟨              ( e∥)⟩    -q            e∥
− m  (δE +v × δB) ×  Ω   α = m ∇X ⊥⟨δL⟩α × Ω .

The other two terms in Eq. (130) can be proved to be zero. [Proof:

− q-∂δG0-⟨δE ⋅v⟩α  =   q-∂δG0⟨v ⋅∇xΦ ⟩α
  m  ∂𝜀               m  ∂𝜀
                  ≈   q-∂δG0⟨v⊥ ⋅∇xΦ ⟩α
                      m  ∂𝜀
                  ≈   q-∂δG0⟨v  ⋅∇  Φ⟩
                      m  ∂𝜀   ⊥   X   α
                  ≈  0                                 (132)
         ⟨       ⟩              ⟨           ⟩
− q-∂δG0- δE ⋅ v⊥    =   q-∂δG0-  1-v⊥ ⋅∇x Φ
  m  ∂μ       B0  α      m  ∂μ  ⟨ B0        ⟩α
                         q-∂δG0-  1--
                     ≈   m  ∂μ    B0v⊥ ⋅∇X Φ  α
                     ≈   0                                 (133)
] Using the above results, the nonlinear term is finally written as
⟨δRδG  ⟩ = -q[∇   ⟨δL⟩  × e∥]⋅∇  δG  .
      0α   m    X⊥    α   Ω     X   0

Using this in Eq. (129), we obtain

           q [            e∥]
⟨δRδFg⟩α = m- ∇X ⊥⟨δL⟩α × Ω- ⋅∇X δG0,

which is of O(λ2).

3.6.4 Final equation for the non-adiabatic part of perturbed distribution function

Using the above results, the gyro-averaged kinetic equation for δG0 is finally written as

        (                          )
 ∂δG0   |            q           e∥|
 -∂t--+ |(v∥e∥ + VD − m-∇X ⟨δL ⟩α × Ω-|) ⋅∇X δG0
  (             e )
=   q-∇X ⟨δL ⟩α × -∥  ⋅∇XFg0 −  q-∂⟨δL⟩α ∂Fg0 .           (136)
  ◟-m---------◝◜Ω---------◞   m◟---∂t◝◜---∂𝜀◞
          spatial− drive         velocit− space− damp
where VD is the equilibrium guiding-center drift velocity, α is the gyro-phase averaging operator, δL = δΦ v δA, and δG0 = δG0(X,𝜀,μ,t) is gyro-angle independent and is related to the perturbed distribution function δFg by
δF  = -qδΦ ∂Fg0+ δG ,
  g   m     ∂𝜀      0

where the first term is called “adiabatic term”, which depends on the gyro-phase α via δΦ. Equation (136) is the special case (∂Fg0∕∂μ|𝜀 = 0) of the Frieman-Chen nonlinear gyrokinetic equation given in Ref. [3]. Note that the nonlinear terms only appear on the left-hand side of Eq. (136) and all the terms on the right-hand side are linear. The term

− q-∇X ⟨δL ⟩α × e∥ ≡ δVD,
  m           Ω

consists of the δE × B0 drift and magnetic fluttering term (refer to  expression (328) in Sec. C.3). For notaiton ease, this term is denoted by δVD.