5.4 δf evolution

Write the distribution function F as

F = F0 + δF,

where F0 is the equilibrium distribution function. Then Eq. (78) is written as

dδF- = − dF0-.
 dt      dt

Use the definition of the orbit propagator,

d    ∂      ∂    edϕ  ∂
--≡  --+ vx---+ --------,
dt   ∂t    ∂x   m dx ∂vx

to rewrite the right-hand side of Eq. (85), yielding

        (         )
dδF-= −   e-dϕ-∂F0- ,
 dt       m dx ∂vx

which can be integrated to obtain the time evolution of δF.

The time evolution of δF can also be obtained by using

δF(Zj(t)) = F(Zj(t = 0))− F0(Zj(t)).

In this way, the time integration of δF∕dt is avoided, which may reduce the computational work load and improve the accuracy of δF. This seemingly trivial method was emphasized in a CPC paper[1], which introduces an adaptive F0 method based on this idea. I have compared the results of Landau damping obtained by the two methods (i.e., using Eq. (87) and Eq. (88), respectively), which shows they agree with each other very well.