E Split-weight scheme for electrons in GEM code

The perturbed distribution function is decomposed as given by Eq. (203), i.e.,

δF = δh + q-(δΦ− ⟨δΦ⟩α)∂F0-+ q-⟨v⋅δA ⟩α∂F0,
          m             ∂𝜀   m         ∂ 𝜀

where the term in blue is the so-called adiabatic response, which depends on the gyro-angle in guiding-center coordinates. Recall that the red term δΦα, which is independent of the gyro-angle, is introduced in order to eliminate the time derivative δΦα∕∂t term on the right-hand side of the original Frieman-Chen gyrokinetic equation.

The so-called generalized split-weight scheme corresponds to going back to the original Frieman-Chen gyrokinetic equation by introducing another δΦα term with a free small parameter 𝜖g. Specifically, δh in the above is split as

δh = δhs + 𝜖g q-⟨δΦ⟩α∂F0.
            m       ∂𝜀

(If 𝜀g = 1, then the two δΦα terms in Eq. (335) and (336) cancel each other.) Substituting this expression into Eq. (), we obtain the following equation for δhs:

[ ∂                       ]
 ∂t + (v∥e∥ + VD + δVD )⋅∇X δhs
         [                          ]
+𝜖g q-∂F0 ∂- +(v∥e∥ + VD + δVD ) ⋅∇X  ⟨δΦ⟩α
   m  ∂𝜀  ∂[t                         ]
   q-      -∂                         ∂F0-
+𝜖gm ⟨δΦ⟩α ∂t + (v∥e∥ + VD + δVD )⋅∇X   ∂𝜀
= − δVD ⋅∇XF0
  q                                     ∂F0
−m-[(v∥e∥ +VD  + δVD )⋅∇X (⟨v ⋅δA − δΦ⟩α)]∂𝜀-.           (337)
Noting that ∂F0∕∂t = 0, e⋅∇F0 = 0, F0 O(λ1)F0, we find that the third line of the above equation is of order O(λ3) and thus can be dropped. Moving the second line to the right-hand side, the above equation is written as
[                         ]
 ∂-+ (v e + V  + δV  )⋅∇    δh
 ∂t    ∥ ∥    D     D    X    s
= − δVD ⋅∇XF0
  q {                                         [ ∂⟨δΦ ⟩α              ]} ∂F0
−m-  (v∥e∥ + VD + δVD )⋅∇X [⟨v ⋅δA ⟩α − ⟨δΦ ⟩α]+ 𝜖g --∂t--+ VG  ⋅∇X ⟨δΦ ⟩α   (∂3𝜀38.)

E.0.1 special case of 𝜖g = 1

For the special case of 𝜖g = 1 (the default and most used case in GEM code, Yang Chen said 𝜖g < 1 cases are sometimes not accurate, so he gave up using it since 2009), equation (338) can be simplified as:

[ ∂                        ]
 ∂t + (v∥e∥ + VD + δVD )⋅∇X  δhs

= − δ[VD ⋅∇XF0                ]
− q- VG  ⋅∇X  ⟨v ⋅δA⟩α + ∂⟨δΦ⟩α  ∂F0,                (339)
  m                      ∂t    ∂𝜀
where two VG ⋅⟨δΦα terms cancel each other. Because the vE term is one of the factors that make kinetic electron simulations difficult, eliminating VG ⋅⟨δΦα term may be beneficial for obtaining stable algorithms.

For 𝜖g = 1, δF is written as

               q      ∂F     q            ∂F    q         ∂F
δF  =   δhs + 𝜀g-⟨δΦ⟩α--g0 + --(δΦ − ⟨δΦ⟩α)--0-+ --⟨v ⋅δA ⟩α --0-
               m       ∂𝜀    m            ∂ 𝜀   m         ∂𝜀
    =   δhs +-qδΦ ∂Fg0+ -q⟨v ⋅δA⟩α∂F0-,                           (340)
             m     ∂𝜀   m          ∂𝜀
where the adiabatic term will be moved to the left-hand side of the Poisson’s equation. The descretization of this term is much easier than the polarization density. This term is already in GEM.

Equation (339) actually goes back to the original Frieman-Chen equation. The only difference is that q-
mv δAα∂F0
∂𝜀 is further split from the perturbed distribution function. Considering this, equation (339) can also be obtained from the original Frieman-Chen equation (136) by writing δG0 as

δG  = δh + -q⟨v ⋅δA ⟩ ∂F0-,
   0    s  m        α ∂𝜀

In this case, δF is written as

δF = δh + -qδΦ ∂Fg0+ -q⟨v ⋅δA⟩ ∂F0-,
       s  m     ∂𝜀   m        α ∂𝜀

Substituting expression (341) into equation (136), we obtain the following equation for δhs:

[                          ]
 ∂-+ (v∥e∥ + VD + δVD ) ⋅∇X  δhs
 ∂t    [                          ]
  q-∂F0- ∂-
+ m ∂𝜀   ∂t + (v∥e∥ + VD + δVD )⋅∇X ⟨v ⋅δA⟩α
  q        [ ∂                        ] ∂F0
+ m⟨v ⋅δA⟩α  ∂t + (v∥e∥ + VD + δVD )⋅∇X ∂-𝜀-

= − δVD ⋅∇XF0 −-q ∂⟨δΦ-−-v-⋅δA⟩α∂F0-,                   (343)
               m       ∂t       ∂𝜀
Noting that ∂F0∕∂t = 0, e⋅∇F0 = 0, F0 O(λ1)F0, we find that the third line of the above equation is of order O(λ3) and thus can be dropped. Moving the second line to the right-hand side, the above equation is written as
[ ∂                        ]
  ∂t + (v∥e∥ + VD + δVD )⋅∇X δhs

= − δ[VD ⋅∇XF0                              ]
− q- ∂-⟨δΦ-⟩α + (v∥e∥ + VD + δVD )⋅∇X ⟨v ⋅δA ⟩α ∂F0-,        (344)
  m     ∂t                                   ∂𝜀
which agrees with Eq. (339).

In GEM, the split weight method is used only for electrons, and δΦα∕∂t is approximated by ∂δΦ∕∂t, which is obtained from the vorticity equation (rather than from time-difference scheme).


When using the split weight scheme, a ∂δϕ∕∂t terms appear in the right-hand-side of the weight evolution equation. GEM makes use of the vorticity equation (time derivative of the Poissson equation) to evaluate ∂δϕ∕∂t.