[In passing, we note that Ψ AϕR is the covariant toroidal component of A in cylindrical coordinates (R,ϕ,Z). The proof is as follows. Note that the covariant form of A should be expressed in terms of the contravariant basis vector (R, ϕ, and Z), i.e.,

A = A1 ∇R + A2∇ ϕ+ A3 ∇Z.

where A2 is the covariant toroidal component of A. To obtain A2, we take scalar product of Eq. (502) with r∕∂ϕ and use the orthogonality relation (80), which gives

A ⋅∂ϕ-= A2.

In cylindrical coordinates (R,ϕ,Z), the location vector is written as

            ˆ       ˆ   ˆ
r(R, Z,ϕ) = R R(ϕ)+ Z Z+ 0ϕ

where ˆR, ˆZ, and ˆϕ are unit vectors along r∕∂R, r∕∂Z, and r∕∂ϕ, respectively, i.e.

        |  |−1         |  |−1        |  |−1
Rˆ=  ∂r-||∂r||  ,Zˆ= -∂r ||∂r||  , ˆϕ = ∂r-||∂r||
     ∂R |∂R|       ∂Z  |∂Z |       ∂ϕ |∂ϕ|

Using this, we obtain

∂ϕ-= Rˆϕ,

Use Eq. (506) in Eq. (503) giving

A2 = AϕR,

with Aϕ defined by Aϕ = A ˆϕ. Equation (507) indicates that Ψ = AϕR is the covariant toroidal component of the vector potential.]

  A.1 Solovév equilibrium
  A.2 Plasma rotation
  A.3 Poloidal plasma current
  A.4 Efficiency of tokamak magnetic field in confining plasma: Plasma beta
  A.5 Beta limit
  A.6 Why bigger tokamaks with larger plasma current are better at fusion?
  A.7 Density limit
  A.8 Relation of plasma current density to pressure gradient
  A.9 Discussion about the poloidal current function, check!
  A.10 tmp check!
  A.11 Radial coordinate to be deleted
  A.12 Toroidal elliptic operator in magnetic surface coordinate system
  A.13 Grad-Shafranov equation in (r,𝜃,ϕ) coordinates
   Definition of (r,𝜃,ϕ) coordinates
   Toroidal elliptic operator ΔΨ in (r,𝜃,ϕ) coordinate system
  A.14 Large aspect ratio expansion
  A.15 (s,α) parameters