
电子信箱: yjhu@ipp.cas.cn
办公室电话: 0551-65597259



博士                2004-2009       中国科学技术大学/近代物理系
博士后                2017-2019       美国科罗拉多大学Boulder/物理系
学士 2000-2004 安徽师范大学/物理系
副研究员 2012- 中科院等离子体物理研究所
助理研究员 2009-2012 中科院等离子体物理研究所



Fig. Magnetic field lines on q=1/10 magnetic surface (upper left), q=1/2 magnetic surface (upper right), q=1 magnetic surface (middle left), q=2 magnetic surface (middle right), q=3 magnetic surface (lower left), and q=4 magnetic surface (lower right). Source codes for producing these figures: p.sh and torus.sketch.

orbit 3D

Fig. Left: 3D view of guiding-center motion in tokamak; Right: 2D poloidal view



  1. Fully Kinetic Simulation of Ion-Temperature-Gradient Instabilities in Tokamaks,
    Youjun Hu, Matthew T. Miecnikowski, Yang Chen and Scott E. Parker, Plasma 1, 10 (2018)
  2. Simulation of fast-ion-driven Alfven eigenmodes on EAST tokamak,
    Youjun Hu, Y. Todo,Youbin Pei, Guoqiang Li, Jinping Qian, et al., Phys. Plasmas 23, 022505 (2016)
  3. Numerical study of Alfven eigenmodes in the EAST tokamak,
    Youjun Hu, Guoqiang Li, N. N. Gorelenkov, Huishan Cai, et al., Phys. Plasmas 21, 052510 (2014)
  4. Electron shielding current in neutral beam current drive in general tokamak equilibria and arbitrary collisionality regime,
    Youjun Hu, Yemin Hu, and Y.R. Lin-Liu, Phys. Plasmas 19, 034505 (2012)
  5. Relativistic collision operators for modeling noninductive current drive by waves,
    Youjun Hu, Yemin Hu, and Y.R. Lin-Liu, Phys. Plasmas 18, 022504 (2011).
  6. Drift kink instability in the current sheet with a kappa-distribution,
    Youjun Hu, Weihong Yang, Yinhua Chen, et al. Phys. Plasmas 15, 082114 (2008).
  7. Lower-Hybrid Drift Instability in Modified Harris Current Sheet,
    Hu Youjun, Yang Weihong, Chen Yinhua et al., Plasma Sci. Technol. 10, 416 (2008).
  8. 磁化非均匀等离子体中模转换机制对电磁波吸收的数值研究,
    胡友俊, 杨维纮, 陈银华, 张羽, 《计算物理》2007 年24 卷3 期 330-336 页.

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